Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clint Eastwood's Step-by-Step Chart Analysis. Step I: Hemispheres and Quadrants

In Eastwood’s chart, we notice an emphasis on the Southern hemisphere. In particular, there are seven bodies above the horizon against three that are below. Both his Lights, the Sun and the Moon, together with the personal planets Mercury and Venus, Jupiter, and the outer, Neptune and Pluto, are all above the AC-DC axis, while Mars, Saturn and Uranus are below, in the Northern hemisphere.

The IC-MC axis divides the chart in Eastern and Western hemisphere. The emphasis here is in the Western hemisphere since there are eight bodies setting against only two rising. In particular, both Lights, together with the inner planets – Mercury, Venus and Mars, Jupiter, and two of the outer planets – Uranus and Pluto, are located in the right part of the chart (Western hemisphere), which leaves only Saturn and Neptune in the left (Eastern hemisphere).


The division of hemispheres is not house based. The AC-DC and IC-MC axes are the ones dividing a chart in Northern / Southern and Eastern / Western hemispheres respectively. The placement of the axes does not change as we change house systems, so the distribution of planets in hemispheres is the same, no matter which house system we use.


A chart with a Southern hemisphere emphasis like this one, can be indicative of a person who wants to “rise above his/her position at birth”, who is more extroverted than introverted, more social, more objective and less personal. Individuals with “heavy” Southern hemispheres are said to be more focused on the interaction between themselves and others.

On the other hand, a Western hemisphere emphasis can show a more reactive and relationship-oriented individual. Those with the majority of planets setting are the ones who “enjoy” more working with others, the “team-players”; they tend to focus on external relationships and are more dependent on the reactions of others and more receptive.

The strongest Quadrant in this chart is the third where the majority of “planets” (Lights + planets) is placed. Six bodies –including the two Lights- are located in the space between DC and MC (Q3). In the first Quadrant (AC-IC), there is only one planet, Saturn; 2 planets, Uranus and Mars are in the second Quadrant (IC-DC); and only one planet, Neptune, is located in the space between the MC and AC (Q4).

Deciding which is the strongest Quadrant is again something that wouldn’t be affected by the house system we would use as quadrants are not house based but divided by the AC-IC-DC-MC which are the same regardless house system.

The 3rd Quadrant belongs both to the Southern and Western hemispheres. A strong 3rd Quadrant would thus indicate an individual who is extroverted (Southern) and reactive (Western). Those with an emphasized Q3 are of course relationship-oriented but tend to focus more on their relationships with society (rather than with their immediate environment). Besides, the phrase “awareness of society” is a key-phrase for Q3.

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